Sonntag, 27. Juni 2010

SOMMER IST DA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Endlich. And with it comes a whole host of pros and cons. Mainly pros. I love Berlin in the summer, but I swear to God they lie when they say the buses are klimatisiert. Particualy in Spandau. I have sweated more in my life on the buses in Spandau than I have in any gym. Gross, gross, gross. But then it is Spandau, so I don't know what I'm expecting.

But oh the pros! The biggie is the weather, obviously, and I just checked and it's going to be like this for ten days at least! Oh the joy and wonder of an Irish girl looking at a forecast that states "chance of precipitation: 0%". La, la, la and LA. I am going to wear shorts today.

Scrap the shorts, I just tried them on and they are too scandalous for non-holiday wear. Seriously, I looked like the Gaga, which is all very well but time and place and all that and a Sunday afternoon helping the boyfriend move house is neither the time nor place for Gaga-emulation. Summer dress it is. Nope, not dress, different shorts. More floral, less Gaga.

Jesus Christ, I need to leave the house. This post has descended into nothing more that me babbling about outfit changes. Sorry. It may be sunny, but I seem to retain the unfailing abilty to digress and dress inappropriately. Sigh.

4 Kommentare:

  1. hi this is the frist visit here
    good blog

  2. in egypt alot of things bad
    bad cops
    bad sallys
    thank good u leave in berlin

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